We have a quick and easy answer for you! We have spent many hours working on a widget that will automatically show what device you need for your area; as well as informing you about what systems or software they are using. Below are steps on how to use this widget!
What scanner will work for my area? Will the SDS100 work for my area? Will the TRX-1 work for my area? Will the SDS100 work for me
1. Navigate to https://www.zipscanners.com/
2. Click "Shop"
3. Click the textbox to enter the state you are interested in.
4. For our example, we entered "California"
5. Click "View Results"
6. Our device page will auto-populate according to what systems California is using.
7. You can also start over and search by county as well!
8. For this example; we chose Los Angeles County of California.
9. As you can see, our widget will auto-populate based on what you type! Pretty slick, huh!
10. HOLD IT! Our widget will inform you of encryption as well, if there is any.
11. Click the "Encryption Affected Area (learn more)" to read more about encryption.
12. Despite the encryption, you can still check to see what is used in Los Angeles County.
13. Now let's pick a county that is not encrypted.
14. For our example, we chose Sacramento County. Notice how we did not even have to fully type the county, and the widget still knew what we wanted!
15. Click "View Results" DISCLAIMER: As of May 24, 2021; Sacramento is not heavily encrypted. We recommend looking on Radio Reference for more information about your location(s) of interest.
16. Once again, the device page will change according to what systems the county of Sacramento is using.
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